Wednesday, April 29, 2009


As you can see my wife is not a blogger. She has been reading mine and honestly I wanted to see if she would read it. I mean I have my journal that she got me for Christmas just sitting there in my play room but I also know that she has only read one thing out of there and it was something I told her that she could. I have total faith that she has never even thought to open it. Do you have that with your spouse? If you do not then why? Is it because you have not been honest with them? Well let me tell you you need to pray! I was not honest with Aimee about one thing and well it did not tear us apart where as normally it would cause a total brake up no she forgave me and trust me finally when I told her the truth I felt better also. Guys stop going by what "people" say and go by what your soul tells you.

1 comment:

  1. You are right, it does not even cross my mind to open your journal...well, because it is yours! I love you!
