Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I am haveing some problems at work and I have been thinking of them all day. I need to pray more and need more prayer for me! Things should just fit like a glove it is like putting everything in its place. But if someone moves it and misplaces it then you hve no clue where to look so it gets you upset and then you spend hours looking for what you should not be if the person would have just put it back where it went in the first place! Please pray for me cause I need things to go smothly for the next few months! Prayer is the only thing that will help. Why is it so hard to give it all to God? Well God I am asking you to take it cause I can not handle it I have been in your hands for years and I do trust you to see me through this thing at work you gave me this job and Lord if things go sour I know I am still in your hands!


As you can see my wife is not a blogger. She has been reading mine and honestly I wanted to see if she would read it. I mean I have my journal that she got me for Christmas just sitting there in my play room but I also know that she has only read one thing out of there and it was something I told her that she could. I have total faith that she has never even thought to open it. Do you have that with your spouse? If you do not then why? Is it because you have not been honest with them? Well let me tell you you need to pray! I was not honest with Aimee about one thing and well it did not tear us apart where as normally it would cause a total brake up no she forgave me and trust me finally when I told her the truth I felt better also. Guys stop going by what "people" say and go by what your soul tells you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I come home to the new couch and it is awesome, however, its not woren in meaning when you sit on it your just kinda in the air! But my wife knows her style and she did a great job. Notice men sometimes it is just best for you to let the wife pick out without your advice cause even though I am really femine that does not mean I have the best style! But you men should at lest give it a try to learn to like the stuff your wife does! Do you men mind going bra shopping? Or for panties? Well let me tell you if you do not then you hav esome issues!! So your telling me that you do not like going shopping for them but you want to see your wife or girlfriend in these skimpy bra and panties. BE a MAN and help pick them out. Now this will not be a men bashing blog but I will definatly try to help you boys become men. I feel there are so few men left in the world and that is what we need now in the hard times is some good strong God loving MEN not little boys!!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Good morning guys!! If you are not a morning peson then this is the time that you should perk up! I am a morning person where as Aimee is not! There is so much you will learn in the morning it is a perfect time for you and God to get close. Plus your day goes by so much better!!We are getting a new couch today in which I am moving the old one around to fit the new one of course we have not given the old one away yet but we will! So let me get back to doing that so I can then start on my homework that it seems I never have the time to do it which it is just me not wanting to do it!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Do you men enjoying shopping wiht your wives? Well you should it can be so much fun if you just take the time to enjoy your mate! We will be leaveing in a few minutes to go find me a laptop bag and I can assure you we will have so many laughs until our sides will be hurting when we get home. Husband learn to enjoy the feminine side of not just your spouse but yourself! And your wives will enjoy it more than you will if you get my drift!!

My wife and Intro

My wife is Aimee Julian she is by far the most amazing person I have ever or will ever know! We meet in by far the most weird way. I was doped up on meth and living in a friends closet. Who was a friend of hers. Wierd huh. And yes I said meth you may think O no here is a man abou to blog on him being on meth. Well know I am here because I wan to reach people who think that drugs and the party lifestyle is for them. See I have been there so who better to learn from than someone who has been there them selves!! Yes this is a start to me putting Gods word out there and showing the people who are just crying out for help that God loves the BROKEN which that is who I was!! Get ready people this should be a very interesting story but I a sure you it will be all true and to the point . I want to reach people by doing this. The Lord has called me to do this and I will share until He tells me to stop. So take a deep breathe and just learn and I ask that you open your heart and mind to this story!! May God bless you for just hearing the word!!


" Dance is just a way to prove to man, that the human soul is immortal" -J.L.J-

You will hear me speak of dance offen in these blogs due to me thinking that dance is a way to reach God in ways that humans think is not possible!