Thursday, September 24, 2009


Ms. Ponder and I hosted a Fan Party at the park we had a blast. I have said I will be talking a lot of dance and fanning well here are some pictures of that day. Note that the cops were called because the people said the music was to loud and the cops did not!! Also the little boy came after the cops and danced his heart out that day was amazing all because that small boy was able to catch a beat and not care that is what dance is about!! Rumi said “Whosoever knowth the power of dance, dwellth in God”


I have told everyone that I was only going to get one more piercing and be done for good..I would like it noted that I have had “hundreds” of piercings and never had any problems at all. However I was taught a lesson on my last one due to it not healing correctly so you go to the hospital to get the bleeding to stop. All the while you wonderful wife in there with you up late in the hospital due to your own dumb choices as she horse laughs at you as they wrap your head…And I do mean horse laugh nearly pees on herself from laughing at me so hard.  

I hope ya’ll enjoy these pictures. IMG_0729IMG_0730 IMG_0731

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Present Side

IMG00042 1 John 4:4 is the verse my wife gave me in order for me to make it through hard times and believe me this verse has the power to overcome anything!

Past Side

This is what you get when you use drugs and lead a ungodly lifestyle….DEATHIMG00041


I guess I should have explained what I have done with my tattoos. I have halved my body for the left side to stand for my past where as the right side is for the present. My past was full of hurt, tears, drugs, and more hurt! My present is filled with my amazing wife, friends, sobriety, dreams, love, hope, a future. 

Breaking Free


This tattoo was to let go of some past hurt. The Hebrew writing says: “My Chains are Gone” which is from Amazing Grace.


Each day I learn more about myself which most people never learn about themselves due to there busy life or ego. The trials that I myself have been through have thought me to be hard hearted however, that is not the way God intended us to be. Tonight as I was shown my problem my hands lifted to the most high and I was given understanding of some things in my life that need work. I always try to work on myself so that I may better serve the Lord even though of course I do sin cause well I am human. I have had some people come into my life lately who I am not sure why they are in my life but I do feel good about that. I have parts of me that were shattered come back together. Praise God for what he is doing in my life.

Monday, September 21, 2009


My best friend from high school found me and my heart is open to her and the kids she is family not friend!! Thank you Lord for given her back to me till you come to get us all!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Even though I am surrounded by people some times I feel alone. I need to get out and find me something to do like a hobby. I love my wife more than myself but I must venture out and find me something to do and stop being so dependent on her!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

House hunting

We are now looking for a house Praise God!! Dear Father please let your will be done with this house we both have been doing the best we can and I could improve on mine some. Thank you for the many blessing you have given us!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I have a serious problem not having a filter with my mouth! All my life my mouth just is a problem and I have improved 100% however, I still have a problem I do not understand why people will ask you for your opinion but do not really what it. People today can not handle the truth at all!! Every time someone opens their mouth I feel like their lying because they sugar coat everything. Which I do not, is it that I do not care, or is it I can handle the truth and i have no problem speaking it! I am sick of PEOPLE thinking they know best when they can not even tell the truth. My real dad lied all the time and he is a TOTAL piece of SHIT! Why can you just not tell the truth will it kill you? NO it will not! Be a man or woman and just say what you feel. I have to filter so much and honestly I’m tired of it!!