Wednesday, May 6, 2009


As you all can tell I have been very moody lately and I believe it is stress. Stress is something that I handle well until it gets to the point that I should just give it all to God to handle which is by the way the hardest thing for me! Is it for you? I know what I am to do and just let God handle it but it is so hard for us human to do and or understand! I have gotten so much better at it and I pray that one day I will have this big break through but so far it has not happened. I would love for us to find a house so that we can get out of this apartment. What a blessing that would be and of course we would like to have kids and well we are not getting any younger. HA! So saying all that just please pray for us cause that is the only thing that will help! God has the answers to all our prayers!

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