Monday, May 11, 2009


Have as much joy as you can!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


It is amazing how people act and react! If only people could learn to take a deep breath before they start to speak… Oh Yeah!! That would be me too huh. I am the worlds worst however I have gotten so much better.


This is learning…Have you told someone that you love them? Have you talked to your parents? Have you gave someone a hug? Have you prayed today?  If you have not done these things, ask yourself why and then go do them!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


As you all can tell I have been very moody lately and I believe it is stress. Stress is something that I handle well until it gets to the point that I should just give it all to God to handle which is by the way the hardest thing for me! Is it for you? I know what I am to do and just let God handle it but it is so hard for us human to do and or understand! I have gotten so much better at it and I pray that one day I will have this big break through but so far it has not happened. I would love for us to find a house so that we can get out of this apartment. What a blessing that would be and of course we would like to have kids and well we are not getting any younger. HA! So saying all that just please pray for us cause that is the only thing that will help! God has the answers to all our prayers!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


How is it that you are given one thing and then expected to know something different? Get it together and the sad part is that Math is my best subject.


Enjoying the fact that my childhood dream is coming true! I know that it will help me in the long run!! The question is though can I bring my GPA back up to a 4.0 by the time I am out of school. I am the type person who sets my goals really high. The first time I ever made a “B” was my second quarter of college. It was horrible. But I think everyone should use school as a place to learn and learn some more I am always on the kids that come into my store. That school is the most important thing they will ever do in the entire life. I pray that my kids are the same way. Speaking of kids….well that is another blog in itself. :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I will be taken to the drive-in movies by my wife on a date to see X-Men and the Fast and the furious. How awesome is that!! So I am sure that I will be so full of snacks that I will gain a few by tonight. Also the goal is not to fall asleep this time which last time we both fell asleep and missed the movie Iron Man which now it is so funny cause 10p is passed our bed time so the goal is to stay awake and just enjoy our time together. I am also backing a cake for our small group. Did you know I make the best cakes?


My wife is taking me to the drive in tonight to see X-Men and Fast and the Furious. How exciting is that!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Giving is not something you do to get something in return it is something you do to get nothing in return!


My wife is taking me out to see X-Men this weekend. She is so awesome!